23 September 2020High-performance 2000 M96 series engine gets a power boost
Well-known product characteristics are being kept

The MTU high-performance yacht engine gets a power upgrade as the output of the 12-cylinder series 2000 M96 engine is increased from 1,432 kW to 1,472 kW, equivalent to more than 2,000 horsepower. Its proven acceleration characteristics, excellent maneuverability and quiet, smooth operation make the engine especially suited to luxury yachts and leisure fishing boats. This power increase means Rolls-Royce can now respond even better to customer requirements. The new engine version MTU 12V 2000 M96X is immediately available from now on.
"Thanks to our highly-regarded Series 2000 M96 high-performance yacht engine, we've long been an established player in the market. Now we've been able to boost the engine's output and thus its performance, without compromising its durability," said Denise Kurtulus, Head of Marine Business at Rolls-Royce's Power Systems Division. "This feature puts us right up there at the top of the market."
First MTU 12V 2000 M96X engines already sold
Since its debut in 2015, the IMO-Tier-II and EPA-Tier-3Rec.-certified Series 2000 M96 has been a reliable, efficient engine for yachts. "We've already sold the first of the new M96X engines to shipbuilders Viking and OTAM," explained Andrew Boyer, Senior Sales Manager at MTU America. "Viking is due to unveil the first yacht fitted with the higher horsepower engines by the end of the year".
The engine is also supported by Premium Yacht Service, a global service program for yacht customers. This ensures the boat owner gets fast, reliable support throughout the entire service life of the engine.
About Rolls-Royce Holdings plc
- Rolls-Royce pioneers cutting-edge technologies that deliver clean, safe and competitive solutions to meet our planet's vital power needs.
- Rolls-Royce Power Systems is headquartered in Friedrichshafen in southern Germany and employs around 10,000 people. The product portfolio includes MTU-brand high-speed engines and propulsion systems for ships, power generation, heavy land, rail and defence vehicles and for the oil and gas industry as well as diesel and gas systems and battery containers for mission critical, standby and continuous power, combined generation of heat and power, and microgrids. Medium-speed engines from Bergen power ships and power generation applications.